
Plaid Cymru Pledge to Fight for “Economic Fairness for Wales” Ahead of General Election Manifesto Launch

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Securing fair funding for Wales, the billions owed to Wales in rail cash, and powers over natural resources are all key pledges in Plaid Cymru’s general election manifesto.

Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth said his party would “fight every day” for the billions owed to Wales from the HS2 high-speed rail project, and for a fair funding model which “funds our country according to need, not population”.

Mr ap Iorwerth said a fairer funding system for Wales would enable greater investment in public services and “better reward our workforce”.

The party’s key pledges include:

  • Securing the £4bn owed to Wales from HS2 to invest in improving our own public transport in all parts of the country and reversing cuts to local bus services.
  • Demanding a fair funding system for Wales, based around our needs, giving us the public services we deserve.
  • Redressing economic unfairness; increasing windfall taxes and devolving the Crown Estate in order to create green jobs and build prosperity.

The party also pledges to protect and strengthen the devolution settlement following attempts from the London parties to undermine Wales’ self-government.

Plaid Cymru will launch their general election manifesto at 10:30 am on Thursday 13 June at the Temple of Peace in Cardiff.

Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth MS said,

“This election is about one thing – the economy.

“What sets Plaid Cymru apart is a record of not taking Wales for granted and always putting the interests of our communities and nation first. We offer a real alternative for Wales.

“That’s why I’m proud to launch our manifesto today that sets out Plaid Cymru’s vision of a fairer, more ambitious future where everyone can reach their potential – regardless of circumstance or background.

“We will fight every day for the billions owed to Wales from the HS2 high-speed rail project, and for a fair funding model which funds our country according to need, not population.

“This will enable us to invest in our public services and better reward our workforce.

“By supporting families and by transferring powers to ensure that more of the decisions that affect Wales are made in Wales, we will address the cost-of-living crisis and provide Welsh solutions to Welsh problems.

“The lack of control over our natural resources means that we are energy-rich but fuel-poor. Plaid Cymru will fight for economic fairness by increasing windfall taxes and demanding the transfer of powers over the Crown Estate to create green jobs and build prosperity.

“For Wales, fourteen years of Tory cuts and chaos have cut our public services to the bone but there is no sign that a Labour government will offer any meaningful change either. Our communities have been left to pay the price of decades of underinvestment from both London parties.

“On 4 July, we can send a message that Wales won’t be taken for granted any longer and that’s only by electing a strong group of Plaid Cymru MPs that will always demand fairness for their square mile and put Wales’ best interests first in Westminster.”


Plaid Cymru’s headline pledges for the 2024 general election:

Fair funding for Wales

  • Securing the £4bn owed to Wales from HS2 to invest in improving our own public transport in all parts of the country and reversing cuts to local bus services.
  • Demanding a fair funding system for Wales, based around our needs, giving us the public services we deserve.

Fair play for patients:

  • Fair funding from Westminster, enabling us to invest in our NHS workforce and recruit 500 GPs into Wales after years of Tory cuts and Labour mismanagement in Cardiff.
  • A new Cancer Strategy to ensure cancers are caught and treated earlier and ending Wales’s postcode lottery for treatment.

Fairness for families and communities:

  • Help 330,000 Welsh families to deal with the cost of living crisis by increasing Child Benefit by £20 per week. This will take 60,000 children out of poverty in Wales.
  • Redressing economic unfairness; increasing windfall taxes and devolving the Crown Estate in order to create green jobs and build prosperity.


Plaid Cymru will launch their general election manifesto today, Thursday 13th June 2024, at the Temple of Peace in Cardiff.

Date: Thursday 13th June 2024

Time: 10:30 am (event begins)

Location: Marble Hall, The Temple of Peace, King Edward VII Ave, Cardiff CF10 3AP

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