Scotland’s Hospitality Sector “Betrayed” by Shona Robison

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NTIA Scotland expresses profound disappointment in the wake of the Scottish
budget release, particularly in light of the prevailing economic challenges faced by
Scottish small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

As a direct result of the Scottish Government’s failure to pass on the 75% business
rates relief available to businesses in England, closures of Scottish hospitality
businesses are now running at double the rate of that in England.

It is now clear that the Scottish Government’s so-called ‘New Deal for Business’ is
little more than a talking shop for “Big” Business to lobby for maintenance of the
poundage rate, while Scotland’s small businesses are betrayed and left up to
£100,000 a year worse off for the third year in a row compared to their colleagues
south of the border.

Whilst long term reform of business rates would be welcome, it is sadly the case that
for too many businesses, this will be too little too late, as they have been unable to
survive the ‘hostile environment’ businesses currently face in Scotland. And sadly,
for those that do survive, cuts to investment, staffing levels and jobs will now be

As NTIA Scotland advocates for the interests of businesses across various sectors,
we call upon the Scottish Government to re-evaluate its approach and place a
stronger emphasis on fostering an environment where SMEs can thrive. The New
Deal for Business must be inclusive and ensure that the burden is equitably shared,
promoting a fair and sustainable economic recovery, rather than cosying up to only
big business as currently appears to be the case.

NTIA Scotland remains committed to engaging constructively with policymakers and
stakeholders to address these pressing issues and work towards effective solutions
that will benefit businesses of all sizes, but notes that an urgent rethink is now
required if Scotland’s small businesses are to survive the coming year.

For further info and all press requests please contact:
Jenn Nimmo-Smith I [email protected]

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