Public attitudes to and awareness of minimum pricing for alcohol in Wales

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Organisation: Welsh Government
Type: Publications
Date: 06 June 2023

This report provides the findings from the 2018 to 2022 waves of the Wales Omnibus Survey and provides updated analysis to findings published in 2014.

As part of the development work for the draft Bill, Welsh Government commissioned questions in the March 2014 wave of the Wales Omnibus Survey conducted by Beaufort Research Ltd. The purpose of that work was to increase understanding of public attitudes to alcohol and minimum pricing.

Following-up on this work and as part of meeting the evidence needs for the implementation of the Act, the Welsh Government commissioned further questions in the September 2018 and March 2020 waves of the survey. The purpose of this was to understand public attitudes to alcohol and awareness of the plans and eventual introduction of a minimum price for alcohol.

Furthermore, between June 2020 and June 2022 a subset of questions (frequency of drinking, the number of units drunk on a typical day of drinking and frequency of binge drinking) were included in five further waves of the omnibus survey.

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