NaCTSO’s Business Conference: The Evolving Threat to Publicly Accessible Locations

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This year’s event, ‘NaCTSO’s Response to the evolving threat to PubliclyAccessible Locations’, will give guests the opportunity to learn about how NaCTSO has developed plans to support the Publicly accessible Locations concept and developments that will benefit the wider public, whilst giving insight into the work the teams are doing.

The conference will run from 10:30 until 13:30. During the breaks you will also have the opportunity to visit table stands to speak to those NaCTSO staff responsible for delivering key projects and developing our advice and guidance. Further information will be communicated with guests closer to the event including agenda.

All approved attendees for the NaCTSO Business Conference are eligible to attend the wider Security & Policing event.

Please be advised that the personal data you submit on this online form will be used by ADS and Counter Terrorism Policing for the purposes of the NaCTSO Business Conference Programme and administering your admission to the Conference.

Please note that, there is no general admittance to this event beyond the approved Visitor Criteria. All visitors are subject to Home Office approval. Possession of security clearance does not guarantee entrance to the event.

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1800+ attendees, 200+ speakers, 20+ countries, 6 stages. Almost 1000 tickets sold! Limited tickets remain.