
Labour Will Turn the Page on Economic Turmoil and Put Scotland at the Heart of Government, Says Keir Starmer

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Labour will end the economic turmoil of the Tories and the SNP, Keir Starmer says today, as he sets out Labour’s plans to deliver jobs and economic growth across Scotland.

Keir Starmer will campaign in Scotland as the Labour Party unveils plans for new ten-year budgets for British research and development institutions as part of its Industrial Strategy.

On a visit with Scottish Labour Leader Anas Sarwar, Keir Starmer will pledge to “put Scotland at the heart of government” as he sets out how Labour’s industrial strategy will deliver for Scotland. Labour will drive economic growth and unlock wealth creation across Scotland by creating high quality jobs in sectors like engineering, research, AI, and life sciences.

This groundbreaking industrial strategy will support Labour’s plans to unlock Scotland’s potential as a clean energy superpower by supporting projects such as the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult.

Labour’s wider plans will create 69,000 jobs across Scotland, including 53,000 new clean energy jobs in sectors like carbon capture, hydrogen onshore and offshore wind.

Another key plank of Labour’s plans to restore economic growth in Scotland is the party’s Warm Homes Plan, which will create 16,000 jobs and cut energy bills for thousands of Scots. Currently, almost half of Scottish homes fall below the recommended energy efficiency standard, meaning colder homes and higher bills.

Labour’s plan will offer grants and low interest loans to support investment in insulation and other improvements such as solar panels, batteries and low carbon heating, to cut bills and create thousands of jobs in construction, installation, plumbing, joinery and more.

Visiting a Scottish business which could benefit from Labour’s plan, Keir Starmer and Anas Sarwar will turn the focus of the election campaign in Scotland onto economic stability, jobs and growth – drawing a sharp contrast with the economic turmoil, stagnant growth and weak job creation under the SNP and the Tories.

It comes as Scottish Labour slammed the SNP’s manifesto released yesterday, which would require tens of billions of pounds of borrowing, drawing parallels with the disastrous Liz Truss mini budget which crashed the economy, pushing interest rates through the roof and creating a mortgage bombshell for people across Scotland.

Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party said:

“At this election, Scotland can turn the page on an era of economic turmoil under the Tories and the SNP.

“Our changed Labour Party can deliver economic stability, unlock wealth creation and create high quality jobs in the industries of the future.

“Our plans will give businesses the certainty to invest and grow, helping turbocharge Scotland’s economy. Scotland deserves leadership that matches the ambition of the Scottish people. A party that won’t just send a message but will send a government to Westminster. That party is Labour. 

“Labour will put Scotland at the heart of government and deliver the change that Scotland needs.”

Anas Sarwar, Leader of the Scottish Labour Party said: “After 17 years of Tory economic turmoil and 14 years of SNP economic failure, Scotland is ready for change.

“Labour’s groundbreaking industrial strategy will unlock wealth creation, drive forward growth and bring the jobs of the future to Scotland.

“These plans will grasp the vast potential and talent we have here in Scotland and make us home to the jobs of the future – from clean energy to technology to research.

“The Tories’ reckless economic mismanagement caused misery for millions of Scots and the SNP’s manifesto costings look like they were cooked up by Liz Truss – but Labour will deliver economic stability our country desperately needs.

“Every vote for Scottish Labour is a vote to end Tory economic chaos and deliver a Labour government with Scotland’s voice at its heart.”

Labour will give ten-year budgets to key research and development organisations. This could include centres like the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult in Aberdeen, Fife and Glasgow, securing the future of Scotland’s energy industry. This will support Labour’s plans to create 53k jobs in clean energy in Scotland with our Green Prosperity Plan and British Jobs Bonus.

Labour’s Green Prosperity Plan is forecast to deliver a total of 69,000 jobs in Scotland, consisting of:

  • 53,000 jobs in clean power, carbon capture, hydrogen onshore and offshore wind.
  • 16,000 jobs through the Warm Homes Plan, such as construction workers, joiners and plumbers.

48% of homes in Scotland fall below energy efficiency rating EPC C.

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