FREE TICKETS – Join the NTIA at this years’ International Drink Expo 2022 at our Nightlife Stage!

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There’s only 2 days to go until we head to the exhibit at this year’s International Drink Expo, on the 19th & 20th October, and we couldn’t be more excited!

As you may already know, you’ll be able to find us at the show on our Nightlife Stage located at ‘Seminar Theatre 9’ where we will be hosting a range of topical panels:

Day 1 – Wednesday 19th October

10.30am – 11.30am
Is Street Food the Incubator for future restaurateurs?
Q&A featuring Street Feast Founder Dominic Cools Lartigue

Dominic Cools Lartigue is a pioneer of our age, founder of street feast in London, he continues to break boundaries recognise the importance of talent pipeline, and demands that our industries future nurtures and develops the talent from within, hear his views on the future of the food sector and development of communities across the UK.

11.50am – 12.50pm
How to attract Gen-Z spending power with up-to-the-minute marketing?
Q&A featuring Rob Masterson MD Mustard Media

With research now showing Gen-Z are spending more money than the older generations in the on-trade, how can you optimise your marketing to maximise your slice of the action? A talk by Robert Masterson, Managing Director of Mustard Media. His agency works with venues, events and music festivals to help them sell more tickets. In 2021 they generated £35 million in revenue for their clients across the UK and Europe.

13.10pm – 14.10pm
The Role of the NTE in Safeguarding Women and Girls
Silvana Kill (NTIA) / Sylvia Oates (Six Til Six) / Tamsin Lent (Where You At) / Michelle Roycroft (Help me Angela)

This discussion seeks to explore the role of the Night Time Economy in safeguarding women and girls against harassment and violence.  We will be looking at the societal deviances that drive certain normalised behaviours and what we can do to influence our communities within night spaces to contribute towards changing such behaviours. How can we make a difference now?

14.30pm – 15.15pm
How important is the Night Time Economy to the recovery of the high street and local economy? Q&A featuring Sacha Lord Night Time Economy Advisor Manchester / Warehouse Project and Parklife CoFounder

One of the leading voices within Hospitality and the Night Time Economy takes the stage to discuss the challenges and future within the sector, controversial and direct at times Sacha has been the leading light for many across the country in championing the sector.

15.30pm – 16.15pm
How realistic is Nett Zero Night Time Economy?
Q&A featuring Claire O’Neill Founder of A Greener Festival 

Following some amazing work with the festival sector, A Greener Festival sets its sights alongside the Night Time Industries Association to answer questions on the reality of Nett Zero, and how we can contribute to sustainability as operators and individuals.

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Day 2 – Thursday 20th October 

10.30am – 11.15am
The Future of Night Time Economy
Q&A featuring Michael Kill CEO NTIA interviewed by Skiddle 

We are faced with a different landscape, customer habits have changed and our business model as they are will not survive another crisis. We ask the question about how we future proof our sector? What have we learnt? What has the night time economy around the world done to recover and change for the future?

11.45am – 12.45pm
Crisis to Crisis : How do we survive the next 12 months?
Mike Kill (NTIA) – Luke Law (Fabric) – Zoë Andrews (Steel Yard) – Caroline Archer (TEG MJR)

Cost inflation has come at the point that many felt they had overcome the pandemic. We ask the question to key operators across the country, How do we survive the next 12 months without Government support or the reliance on consumer spending, with 7 in 10 businesses according to new data, barely breaking even or losing money!

13.15pm – 14.00pm TBC
Attitude, Approach and Accountability within the Night Time Economy
Q&A Philip Kolvin QC  interviewed by Michael Kill CEO NTIA

One of the most prominent legal minds within our sector, where attitude, approach and the level of accountability within our sector is taking its toll. The challenging narrative presented by the Night Time Economy in certain circles has become the anxiety of society. Philip Kolvin QC is a staunch advocate of this sector and fights to see the changing narrative.

14.30pm – 15.30pm
How the Industry must change under new Protect Duty Legislation?
Moderator : Michael Kill UKDSA (Chairperson) Peter Harrison (FGH Security) / Anne Marie Chebib (MD – UKCMA) / Sam Spencer (Operations Director – Broadwick Live)

Security sector faces some key challenges over the coming years as it recovers a workforce displaced by the pandemic, and now focuses on protect duty and the disparate challenges within the Private security sector, and the infrastructure perceived by many to be broken.

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If you register now, you will also receive an amazing show guide in the post prior to the event. In it, you will find out all about this year’s outstanding lineup of speakers, panel debates, exhibitors, full show highlights and even 5 other industry-leading shows running directly alongside.

Grab your free ticket below we look forward to seeing you at our stage Seminar Theatre 9​​!

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