Counter Terrorism ProtectUK ‘Workshop Wednesday’ Webinar (Sport) – 31st January 2024 from 12:00-13:00

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The NaCTSO Business Engagement Unit and their business partners Highfield, M&S and URIM have continued to host one-hour bitesize Counter Terrorism ProtectUK ‘Workshop Wednesday’ Webinar sessions.

Their first workshop for 2024 is going ahead on 31st January 2024 from 12:00-13:00. This webinar will be primarily targeting those who work in the sports sector. However, the session is open to those from other sectors also as the core information will be applicable to all organisations.                                

CTBIE Sport representative, Bob Eastwood, will be joining the webinar to give a short input.

This event would be of benefit to individuals and organisations from any sector. Also, should any members wish to also join the session then we encourage you to do so by signing up here.

NaCTSO are looking for volunteers who can support presenting at future webinar events. It is of great benefit to hear from a representative who has utilised and embedded the resources and who can offer insight into the benefits. Such as real-life actions taken where guidance or resources was a feature of the decision making; or the mutual benefits the resources have to your unique business settings. 

If you would like to discuss volunteering to present at a future event please contact [email protected] directly.

1800+ attendees, 200+ speakers, 20+ countries, 6 stages. Almost 1000 tickets sold! Limited tickets remain.