BBC Documentary on Level of Violence and Abuse Facing Security Staff Nightly Supported by NTIA & UKDSA
Following a survey released by the BBC on Door Security Operatives and the violence and abuse they face within the workplace, the NTIA and UKDSA call for changing legislation to protect security workers against violence within the workplace with tougher sentencing.
Michael Kill CEO NTIA Says:
“Door Security staff face an unprecedented level of verbal and physical abuse every night that they work, according to the recent BBC survey, something which no staff member deserves to face within the workplace at any time.”
“These individuals have a very difficult job to do, in many respects a thankless task too many, but an important one none the less as they work tirelessly to keep members of the public safe.”
“We are asking Government to consider changing legislation to protect security workers against violence within the workplace with tougher sentencing. These licensed, vetted and trained workers must be given the same support and protection afforded to emergency service workers since 2018.”
Watch the BBC News feature where they hear first-hand accounts from door supervisors in the UK – revealing shocking incidents of physical assaults, racism, and sexual harassment.