Announcement: NTIA Scotland – NTE Micro Summit

Discover the latest insights and trends in industry. Stay informed and engaged with our informative articles, updates, and expert opinions.

Join us on Thursday 10th November at SWG3 in Glasgow for the first NTIA Scotland Micro Summit discussing some key issues, and hosting Sacha Lord NTE Advisor Greater Manchester & Ariel Palitz Night Time Economy Advisor for New York City plus many more.

Get your Free Ticket through the link below:

[button open_new_tab=”true” color=”accent-color” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”jumbo” url=”https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-ntia-night-time-economy-micro-summit-scotland-tickets-428040780497 ” text=”REGISTER NOW” color_override=””]

Limited Spaces available please ensure you book your space!

Look forward to finally meeting all of you as will be venturing north of the border! Thank you for your continued support.

1800+ attendees, 200+ speakers, 20+ countries, 6 stages. Almost 1000 tickets sold! Limited tickets remain.