The Fair Work Convention Inquiry into Hospitality Industry Scotland – Opens a Survey for Hospitality Businesses and Workers – Share Your Experience!

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The Fair Work Convention is currently running an inquiry into the Hospitality Industry in Scotland considering experiences from the point of view of both workers and businesses.

We are currently half way through our inquiry, and are seeking evidence from a wide range of workers, employers and employer bodies to ensure that we have a good understanding of the industry and understand how experiences might vary by business type.

We are running two surveys one for hospitality workers and one for businesses.

We would really like to engage better with the night time industry in Scotland, as we currently are very short on survey responses from this business type.

We would be very keen to have your support in promoting the surveys.

The Surveys

Both surveys can be accessed through a single landing page.

Take part by clicking on the link below, then choosing ‘I represent a Hospitality business’ (for employers/business leaders)


All responses will be treated as confidential and all respondents will remain anonymous.

The survey is open until 9th July.

Both surveys take about 10 minutes to complete and will help us build our understanding of the sector from the perspective of workers and businesses.

This work will provide vital evidence to the ongoing inquiry, which will develop recommendations for the Scottish Government and the hospitality industry to support better fair work outcomes for everyone.