
Share Your Voice: NTIA & Adam Smith Institute Survey

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In today’s media, there’s a growing narrative suggesting that people simply don’t want to go out anymore. But is this really the case? Or is it just becoming too expensive to have fun? We believe it’s time to challenge this perspective and uncover the real reasons behind the trends we’re seeing. That’s why the NTIA is teaming up with the Adam Smith Institute, and we need your help!

Why Your Opinion Matters

We all know that the cost of living is rising, and with it, the cost of enjoying a night out. Whether it’s dining, entertainment, or social gatherings, these activities are becoming more of a luxury than ever before. But has the desire to go out actually diminished, or are financial constraints holding us back? Your experiences and insights are crucial in helping us paint an accurate picture of what’s really happening.

Take the Survey – Less Than 3 Minutes!

Your input can make a significant difference. By taking just a few minutes to complete our survey, you’ll help us gather essential data that can challenge misleading media narratives and support more informed discussions about consumer habits and economic realities.

How to Participate

Click the link below to start the survey. It takes less than 3 minutes, and your responses will be kept confidential. Your honest feedback will provide valuable insights that can influence future policies and discussions about the leisure and hospitality industry.

Take the Survey Now

Thank you for your time and your voice. Together, we can get to the heart of the matter and ensure the real story is told.

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The NTIA is an influential organisation with a far-reaching impact on the entertainment and nightlife sectors.

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