NTIA Respond to the Follow Up Report – The Licensing Act 2003: Post Legislative Scrutiny

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Michael Kill CEO Night Time Industries Association gave evidence to the committee and has made a statement on the committee’s follow up report.

Michael Kill CEO NTIA Says:

“The welcome the follow up report on licensing by the liaison committee, but share the disappointment of the committee, and industry representatives on the lack of meaningful progress.”

“We are experiencing considerable inconsistencies in planning and licensing systems, and in the majority of cases we are still seeing siloed licensing and planning departments not engaging.”

“It is still the case that identical licensing applications  presented in different areas would result in different outcomes. This highlights the differences in interpretation of national legislation by key stakeholders, local authorities and responsible authorities.”

“It is extremely important that we expand the data available to licensing decision makers when considering licensing applications, to include equality impact, culture, economics, community impact as well as safety.”

“We commend the report for highlighting the need for further training for counsellors, local authority and police licensing officers, particularly on industry specific knowledge and culture.

“It is also encouraging to see included within the report, the continued recommendation that the Agent of Change principle be included within planning and licensing legislation to protect businesses and residents.”

“We look forward to continuing to work with key Government departments to develop the integration of current systems. We continue to advocate for abolishing the late night levy and further the representation of the night time economy through Night Czars and NTE Advisors in every major city across the UK.”

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