The Welsh Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh language, Jeremy Miles, has today set out his immediate economic priorities for Wales during a keynote speech at AMRC Cymru in Broughton.
In setting out the challenges and opportunities presented by a just transition towards a greener economy, the business and skills audience was left in no doubt as to the scale of the prize for being at the forefront of that transition – not just for the business community in Wales but across public services and wider society. Immediate action being taken will include:
- Establishing a national economic council, replacing the Ministerial Advisory Committee
- Short turn around reviews in five key areas, looking at practical and actionable delivery in areas such as net zero skills, AI, and maximising growth opportunities in renewables.
- A series of regional events where all businesses will be invited to share their views with the Cabinet Secretary directly
- Developing a national approach to future skills planning, spanning all sectors of the economy
The Economy Secretary explained:
I have always believed that the foundation of all that any progressive Government seeks to achieve, rests on the health of our economy and its ability to support our wellbeing.
If we have an economy which is growing truly sustainably, delivering prosperity and more opportunities for better paid work, in all parts of Wales, then we have the best opportunity to ensure that people can flourish.
All the other challenges which any government grapples with – tackling health and educational inequalities, alleviating poverty, delivering effective and supportive public services, in our case – ensuring strong communities for the Welsh language to flourish – these all ultimately turn on the strength of our economy and what it does to increase prosperity and solidarity.
I want Wales to be a place where young people with great ideas want to start a business, whether they are from Wales, have come here to study or choose to come to live here because of the welcome they will get, the entrepreneurship and mentoring support they can rely on and that sense of optimism and belonging which runs through our country.
I want them to know they can make it in Wales – a can do, creative nation where people flourish. That’s the economic future I know we all want for Wales.