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Michael Kill CEO NTIA Says:

“It seems somewhat surreal that, in the midst of a cost inflation crisis, and following two years of restrictions and lockdowns, the very Government that implemented these trading conditions have been exposed for their actions within the report submitted by Sue Gray. It goes without saying that trust and public confidence has been lost.”

“Given current challenges around trading conditions and escalating operating costs, the Government must now take decisive action. The introduction of immediate reliefs, including the reduction of VAT for the hospitality sector back down to 12.5% and an energy cap for businesses, are desperately needed before we are swamped with untenable costs at the cost of further closures and job losses.”

Read the Sue Gray Report url=”https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1078404/2022-05-25_FINAL_FINDINGS_OF_SECOND_PERMANENT_SECRETARY_INTO_ALLEGED_GATHERINGS.pdf”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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