Birmingham NTE Ambassador Statement: General Election Offers New MPs and Government a Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity to Win Over the UK’s NTE

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Lyle Bignon, Night Time Economy Ambassador for Birmingham, Night Time Industries Association, said:

“The anticipated change in government post-General Election offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for ministers and MPs to win over the UK’s night-time economy, and help the industry get back on its feet.

“On behalf of the NTIA and the not insignificant night-time economy community in Birmingham, I put the following challenge forward to all incoming MPs in the city: talk with us and work with us – or ultimately lose us. Open lines of communication going forward are crucial.

“Creating a productive and ongoing dialogue between MPs and the circa 220,000 NTE workers who make up their constituents must be an absolute priority for our newly elected democratic representatives.

“We also lay this challenge at the door of the recently elected regional mayor of the West Midlands, the newly appointed chief executive of Birmingham City Council, and to all other key agencies and business leaders whose policies and decisions impact the fifth largest industry in the UK.

“Enough is enough. As the workforce responsible for delivering the year-round world-class arts, culture, entertainment and hospitality that the city and region’s civic and political leaders often champion, in return, we expect recognition and support from our local and central government.

“The MPs who will be representing Birmingham and the West Midlands in Westminster want to secure the future of the NTE as the cultural powerhouse and economic engine which has driven so much employment, social cohesion, and artistic excellence in our region – in which case they must heed our continued calls for dialogue and positive change.”